Behavioral health organizations often serve people who have been in treatment for years – sometimes many years - and have worked with a variety of therapists and services. Understanding that history documented in case notes is crucial to achieving the best outcomes. But case notes can number in the hundreds of pages over the life of a case. Augintel makes the information in case notes easily accessible, reducing administrative burden and saving caseworkers and clinicians valuable time.
Accelerate filling out federal, state and payor forms
Utilize Augintel’s natural language search & queries to deliver the information automatically
Acquire Better data for grants, state reporting, internal reporting
Alignment with work on health disparities
Support analysis of service utilization and outcomes
Build real-time queries for short-term reporting needs in support of smoking cessation, collaboration with outside providers, etc.
The opioid epidemic and a global pandemic have impacted all aspects of life and have created unprecedented demand for behavioral services. At the same time, behavioral health organizations are experiencing a nationwide shortage of caseworkers and clinicians, and a historic rate of burnout and turover among existing staff. More than 60% of staff cite administrative burden including electronic health records (EHR) as a primary cause of burnout. Technology that makes the misssion-critical work of clinicians jobs easier has never been more crucial.
To learn more about Augintel NLP, download our solution brief